
IAESTE – International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience


Short description:

We are an international association for a world wide exchange of trainees. We send students from our university to other countries, and take care of interns coming here for an internhsip.

Longer descirption:

IAESTE has local committees in a lot of cities in over 80 countries. Those committees range from a few people to bigger groups. These people take care of getting in touch with companies to get workplaces for the interns. The more offers a city has aquired for foreign students, the more students they can send out themselves. The benefit about an internship with IAESTE is not only having people who help you to organise everything, you also get help in the foreign country by the students there. But not only the opportunity to get an internship through IAESTE is great, also participating in a local committee is a lot of fun. Especially taking care of the students coming to your country, showing them around and getting to know them is a experience you shouldn’t miss.


